Mary Fraser

Hi!  I’m excited to be serving in my seventh year with FOCUS as the Team Director for Auburn University.  War Eagle!  Thank you for taking the time to visit my page. I hope you can join me in this incredible adventure towards Heaven!  All for the glory of God!

Where I serve

God has called me to serve as a FOCUS Team Director in my seventh year of missionary life at Auburn University!  War Eagle!!  This role allows me to form and invest in my four teammates:  Sean, Sam, Megan, Mary Wilson,and Bailey.  I have the joy of being a “missionary to missionaries” as we lead the students at Auburn to an encounter with Jesus Christ!  In addition, I am also blessed with the gift of forming students in their faith and leading them in their personal relationship with Christ and empowering them to do the same with others. What a blessing it is to be given the opportunity to shape our future leaders for lifelong mission for the Lord!

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(From left to right:  Sam Massey, Me, Mary Wilson Screws, Megan Dukes, Bailey Mirmelli, Sean Clennan)

My Story

As I continue to grow deeper in my relationship with Jesus Christ, I become more and more amazed by just how ridiculously in love God the Father is with me and the rest of humanity!  He is relentlessly pursuing our hearts, so that we may know Him and share in His blessed life…  Throughout the entirety of my life, God has never stopped pursuing me.  However, I did not allow myself to be pursued back by God until the summer of my senior year of high school when both my Uncle Kevin and little sister Anne Marie became ill with cancer.  I had grown up Catholic, but I had many misunderstandings about the faith.  After hearing the news of my sister’s illness, it was one of the first times I truly poured my heart out to God in prayer.  I felt totally helpless and afraid and I needed Him like never before.  I found myself praying more frequently which turned daily, and I fell in love with the Holy Mass.  I truly felt at “home.”  As I entered into college at Missouri State University, God continued to pursue me through the FOCUS missionaries and student leaders on my campus.  Their joy, their love for God and His Church, and their boldness in sharing the faith with others drew me more deeply into not just being pursued by God but pursuing God back!  The love inside of me became so overwhelming that I had to share His goodness with the people in my life.  Thus, I started my first ever Bible study my sophomore year of college and began intentionally pouring into my peers sharing with them how God was working in my life.  By my senior year of college, I was sold out for Jesus Christ, His Church, and His Great Commission.  Now, one of my greatest desires is be a saint and to raise up more future saints alongside me.  In the words of Pope Saint John Paul II, “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.”  Truly, there is nothing better or more important than living a life with Jesus Christ.


Your Impact

Sharing the love of Jesus Christ with college students would not be possible without both the spiritual and financial support from mission partners.  This is where you come in!  As a missionary, I fully fundraise my entire mission budget and need the support of generous partners like you to perform my work.  This gives me the freedom to be radically available to the students on campus in need of my care. If you are interested in joining me on mission through your support or even hearing more about this mission, I would love to meet up with you in person or talk with you over the phone.  Please, do not be afraid to reach out to me via phone or email and we can get to know each other.  It would be an honor and a joy to share in this mission with you! God Bless!

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FOCUS brings the joy of the Gospel to colleges and parishes across the United States (and beyond)!
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Know, Love and Serve God

We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Build Virtuous Friendships Together

Build Virtuous Friendships

By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Teach Others Share Christ Smiling

Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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